Why You Should Wear Sunscreen Daily

Ancient Greeks used olive oil as sunscreen to protect their skin from sun damage. Ancient Egyptians used rice, lupine plants, and jasmine for the same.

The benefits of sunscreen go beyond protecting your skin from the sun. Summer means it is time to run to the store to purchase sunscreen lotion. However, the truth is, we should apply sunscreen every day of the year. It does not matter whether it is summer or winter; you must protect your skin from sun exposure.

Why You Should Wear Sunscreen
Shields From Harmful UV Rays
The continuously depleting ozone layer has put us at a higher risk of getting affected by the harmful rays of the sun. While you do need the sun for your daily dose of Vitamin D, it does not imply that you should put your health at risk! This radiation may lead to sunburn and skin damage. Sunscreens are critical products that protect you from the harmful UV rays.

Prevents Premature Aging
All of us love to have younger-looking, radiant, and healthy skin. This is one of the most convincing reasons to start using sunscreen. Indulging in outdoor activities without proper sun protection may accelerate signs of aging. Prevention is key and is possible with the help of sunscreen application. It shields your skin from developing signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, sunspots, hyperpigmentation, photodamage, (sun damage), and dry skin. Studies reveal that people below the age of 55 who used sunscreen had 24% lesser chances of developing these aging signs than non-sunscreen and occasional sunscreen users.

Prevents Sunburns
Sunburns can thin the skin, making it more transparent, and bruises become more visible. Your skin may experience repeated attacks of peeling, swelling, redness, hives, and itching. This is due to UVB rays, responsible for sunburns. The blisters can escalate the risk of skin cancer. A study published in ‘Annals of Epidemiology’ in August 2008 suggested that recurring occurrences of sunburns could actually put you at a higher risk of lethal melanomai

Enhances Health Of The Skin
The essential skin proteins, such as collagen, keratin, and elastin, are protected by sunscreen. These proteins are required for keeping the skin smooth and healthy. Make sure your sunblock has titanium dioxide in it to help reflect UV rays away from the skin and protect the activity of these proteins.

Lowers Skin Cancer Risk
While people started using sunscreen mainly for beauty reasons, this health benefit comes as an advantage. Wear your sunscreen daily and over the days and months to shield your skin from the risk of various types of skin cancer. This is the worst type of skin cancer, which can be life-threatening for women as their age increases.

A Good Cosmetic Option
Nowadays, you get sunscreens that also double up as creams. Just apply it and leave it on. If you have dry skin or sensitive skin, make sure you reapply it every now and then for better safety of your skin.

Sunscreen Offers Better Protection Than A Full-Sleeved Dress
You cannot safeguard yourself from the sun by wearing a full-sleeved dress. Did you know that a cotton dress, particularly when damp, offers zero protection from the harmful rays of the sun? Just apply a generous amount of sunscreen under the dress as well.

Sunscreen Application Tips

Always read the ingredient list and make sure your sunscreen contains the following:
*Titanium dioxide

*Octyl methoxycinnamatei (OMC)

*Avobenzonei (also parsol)

*Zinc oxide

Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion or gel that is non-comedogenic and hypoallergenici. Such sunscreens will shield you from ultraviolet rays, both A and B, while safeguarding you from rashes, clogged pores, acne, and sunburns
Choose a sunscreen that is waterproof and comes with a minimum SPF of 30.
Always apply sunscreen half an hour before you come into contact iwith the sun.

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