Tips to Become Attractive”–Margret Oshinowo

Before someone decides to engage with you, they need to be attracted to you in some way. Being attractive means being appealing, and while it might seem challenging, it’s definitely something you can practice and improve.

Why Should You Be Attractive?

Being attractive can make it easier to form good relationships and make a positive impression on people. When you’re attractive, others are naturally drawn to you, and you might find people liking you at first sight.

Here are some key tips to help you become more attractive:

Show Genuine Interest in Others:

The most effective way to make people like you is to be genuinely interested in them. Everyone wants to feel important, and they find you attractive when you show interest in their lives. This deep-rooted trait can help sustain any relationship.

Carry Yourself Elegantly:

A wise man once said, “If you refuse to add value to your being, no one will do it for you.” Carrying yourself elegantly means adding value to your existence and avoiding chaotic behavior.

Dress Well:

As the saying goes, “The way you are dressed is the way you will be addressed.” You don’t have to spend a fortune to dress well; learn to make the most of what you have and avoid indecent dressing. It’s common these days, but not attractive.

Smell Nice:

You don’t have to smell like what you’ve been through. Affordable and long-lasting fragrances are available, and a good perfume will always create a positive impression even before you speak.

Be Nice to People:

Being nice is free and can significantly boost your attractiveness. Despite whatever you might be going through, don’t body shame or abuse people—it’s not attractive.

Smile More Often:

A beautiful smile can change people’s perceptions of you. It’s in there; just let it out. Most people find a genuine smile cute and very attractive.

Practice Good Communication Skills:

Good communication is a game-changer. This doesn’t mean being loud or overbearing. One key takeaway from Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is to focus on others while conversing. It’s a powerful way to attract people to you.


I hope these tips help you look and feel more attractive. Thank you for reading!

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