Lagos Indexes Second On List Of Cities That Could Vanish By 2100

Lagos, the economic centre of Nigeria, has been rated dual in the list of sinking cities that could disappear by 2100.

According to the World Economic Forum, via World of Statistics, top on the list is Jakarta, Indonesia, which is sinking at a rate of 6.7 inches per year due to excessive groundwater pumping.

Lagos is said to be sinking at a rate of 0.3 inches per year, and it’s also facing the threat of coastal erosion.

Houston in Texas, United States of America, is sinking at a rate of 0.2 inches per year, and is also facing the threat of hurricanes.

While Jakarta, Indonesia, Lagos, Nigeria and Houston, Texas make up the top three, other cities in the list are Dhaka, Bangladesh, Venice, Italy, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Bangkok, Thailand, New Orleans, Louisiana, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Alexandria, Egypt.

The 11th spot is Miami, Florida.

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