Nigeria’s Power Crisis Set for Solar Solution as Bezos-Backed Firm Rolls Out Mini-Grids


The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and billionaire Jeff Bezos’ Bezos Earth Fund, has taken a historic step in addressing Nigeria’s ongoing power crisis by launching a ground-breaking solar energy project.

Indequate power supply has plagued Nigeria for decades, with some 86 million people living without access to electricity. In South Africa, the national grid barely supplies 4,000 megawatts, or about one-sixth of the total generation capacity.

GEAPP’s solar mini-grid project intends to close this energy disparity by supplying millions of Nigerians with electricity. The project’s first interconnected mini-grid is already finished, and two more are being built, and money has been obtained for a fourth.


“In order to eradicate energy poverty in Nigeria, we require hundreds or thousands of these projects,” stated Muhammad Wakil, the Country Delivery Lead for GEAPP. “We have shown it’s a viable business model.” Given its substantial solar energy potential and six hours of sunshine per day, Nigeria is a perfect place for this project. The estimated combined capacity of photovoltaic and concentrated solar electricity in the nation is 427,000 MW.

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